Monday, November 15, 2010

Why Farm?

At a recent dinner, I was with my grandparents. I was asked if I knew what my future profession might be. I responded that I was interested in agricuture. My grandmother said that people still need food, and was encouraging. My grandfather, however, said that "times have changed." When saying that times have changed, he meant that we now have supermarkets, and that growing food isn't a necessity nowadays. I didn't want to create animosity at the table, so I just nodded my head.

Yes, times have changed, but people still need to eat. If we didn't have farmers, there would be no food.
I am going to be a farmer, because I believe that people need to eat, and someone needs to grow the food.


  1. Thank you for visiting my site. Keep your feet on the ground and your hands on the plow and you will get your farm. I think it is great that you are going to school for agriculture. I will follow your progress.

  2. I am thrilled to see a young person as yourself with a good head on your shoulders about the future of food and farming.

    We need your generation to "wake up" and continue this important legacy for all of our future!

    Go for it and don't let any one discourage you!

    The pie looks great and we at Maple Valley off-grid Farm are rootin' for you!

    GO! GO! GO!
