After camp, I'm going to be working on a farm in NC for a week.
I'm greatly looking forward to doing farm work, and learning a lot.
I just wish others would do the same.
I know I've spoken at length about the lack of young farmers, but it's really irking me even more.
I feel like I want to put signs up everywhere, asking people to care and to eat with a conscience.
The mentality is always "someone else will grow it, all I must do is pick up a styrofoam wrapped package, and swipe my card."
Most consumers buy without thinking. They look for key words on the labels. They don't seek out organic, they just look for the word "MILK."
Conscientious buying is only one part of the solution.
In addition, as I've expressed, we need more farmers. In an article on the Huffington post, I read that, "for every one farmer and rancher under the age of 25, there are five who are 75 or older, according to Agriculture Department statistics."
As these farmers continue to age, we need replacements.
Oh well, as long as a gallon of chemically treated milk was available at the store, all is happy in American consumer land
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