Monday, May 16, 2011

Almost done

I'm almost done with High School.

Soon, I'll be at college in a rural area.
Over the next few weeks, I'll be contacting farms in the Berkshires, to see about doing some work/interning on the weekends.
I am hoping to spend many weekends doing farm work. Getting an internship will be great preparation for me, and will allow me to be more experienced when I establish Drouault Farm.

I've gotten a lot of good advice from Joel Salatin's book "You Can Farm."
He gives good suggestions for beginning farmers.

Now, I need to start taking steps to move Drouault Farm into reality and existence.
I am going to study Agriculture eventually.
Once I get my college degree in Sustainable Agriculture, I'll be even more prepared to farm.

It's true that I won't be living a life of luxury and excess in an urban area, but I'll be happy.
Farming is a way of life that isn't for everyone.
That being said, it's an ideal path for me. I will be outside, and will get to interact with animals.

On another note,
I really don't understand my detractors. I don't understand why these people think that it's their place to criticize my career choice. I will actually be helping the world. If these people don't want to become farmers, that's fine. I respect their choices. I don't criticize them for shopping at supermarkets and buying imported food. So,can't the respect be mutual?


  1. HI....I found your blog a little bit ago and I'm interested in your journey.
    I'm not sure what your nay-sayers are telling you but I'm glad you are not listening to them too closely.
    I think it's great that you are planing on working on farms on the week-ends. College is fine but I think you will find that the "real" learning is by doing.
    Only one thing that you have said has given me some pause (like it's any of my business)..but...when you are thinking about places that you will go and start your farm....please think about the growing season. Vermont, New York etc has a much shorter growing season than some other places. You are already in one of the best states in terms of weather.
    I'm in Missouri so I don't know about the cost of land and such in CA. Of course that is another consideration.
    You've talked about dairy....cows take a lot of space and grass/hay. The more you can grow yourself the better off you'll be. 2 cents.

    Good luck to you....I'll be checking back.

  2. Thanks for your comment.
    I will consider your advice.
    The naysayers just think that farming isn't a good career.

  3. I think it's a hard career. But with anything else there are pros and cons.
    Not everybody is cut out for a desk job and that's a good thing.
    The other thing about naysayers is that they don't have to live your do. You will soon find your "people"....they are out there. There are plenty of people that will support you and cheer you on.


  4. Well, it can be difficult when the naysayers are part of my family.
