Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm ready to leave this system.

I'm fed up with this system. I'm fed up with living a rushed life, and eating food produced in unethical ways.
That's why I am leaving this system. I will be producing my own food. I will be living a life that is not so rushed. Here, everyone is moving too fast. It's exhausting,
Once I leave this system, I'll be self sufficient. I'll be providing myself with food that was raised ethically. I won't rely on multinational corporations for daily survival. Hopefully, more of my generation will join me in becoming farmers and producing food. If the youth don't get involved, there is no hope for the future of small-scale agriculture.
The future would be quite bleak, in fact.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!!! :)
    Wishing you the best of luck with your venture. Living simply and working hard is the *best* way to live! :)
